Everything About Teeth Whitening Treatment

Teeth with stains put a bad first impression, and nobody would ever want it to happen. If you have stains on your teeth or they are showing signs of discoloration, it's time for you to know about Teeth Whitening Treatment.

Wait, you haven't heard about it? Read the blog till the end to learn everything about the treatment.

What is Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Teeth Whitening is a cosmetic treatment that lightens stained or discolored teeth. It has been a common practice for centuries in the field of dentistry that helps people restore their precious smiles.

It is a conservative treatment and can be categorized as one of the most elective dental procedures due to the following reasons - 

●     It's inexpensive

●     Highly effective

●     Produces fast results

Why Teeth Whitening?

People are conscious about their appearance, and discolored teeth surely don't add any charm to the face of a person.

Therefore, people invest in teeth whitening treatments to add more glow to their smiles. It also boosts their confidence, plus it doesn't break your finances as it is very cost-effective compared to other cosmetic treatments like veneers.

But one important thing to know before you proceed to get teeth whitening treatment from a specialist is that the results differ with every patient.

It is because every person possesses different tooth characteristics like translucency, opacity, fluorescence, and gloss. Due to this, some patients show quick results while others require more treatment. 

Want brighter teeth? You don't even need to skip your favorite drink and food, as there are many advanced teeth whitening treatments that can be performed without changing your eating habits.

What Are The Causes Of Tooth Discoloration And Staining?

Tooth discoloration can be classified into two segments -

●     Intrinsic tooth stains

These stains develop on the inner layer of teeth and are deeper than extrinsic stains. These require more effort to remove as compared to the shallow enamel stains.

A common cause of Intrinsic discoloration is excessive fluoride and certain medicines.

●     Extrinsic tooth stains

These are superficial surface stains that occur naturally with time. The main cause of such stains is consuming dark-colored food and beverages like chocolates, coffee, tea, etc. 

Tobacco products are also one of the major causes of extrinsic discoloration.

Other Primary Causes of both types of tooth discoloration are -

●      Cancer treatments: Some cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation lead to tooth discoloration.

●     Age Factor: the outer layer of enamel naturally wears down with time, which causes tooth discoloration and yellowing.

●      Amalgam dental restorations: Silver cavity fillings or Amalgam Dental Restorations can cause tooth discoloration because it contains sulfide.

●     Taking medicines like Tetracycline, antipsychotics, antihistamines, and high blood pressure medications can cause tooth discoloration.

●     Taking Tetracycline during pregnancy: Mothers who take Tetracycline (antibiotics for bacterial diseases) during pregnancy can cause tooth discoloration in their kids


Being confident about your smile is an amazing beauty trait. If you have discolored tooth sr stains and want to get rid of them, Teeth Whitening Treatment is a great option for you, provided that you consult a specialist for it.

Dr. Kal is one of the most renowned professional teeth whitening treatment specialists having clinics in Birmingham, Stafford, and Staffordshire.

Contact today to get brighter teeth through safe clinical methods.


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