Invisalign & Composite Bonding Smile Makeover

This smile makeover consisted of alignment of the teeth, followed by professional tooth whitening and 12 teeth composite bonding to perfect this smile. Learn more about each stage involved below:

  • This patient disliked the crooked teeth position, darker tooth colour and the broken chipped teeth edges.

    We decided to go for the ABC approach

    ALIGN the teeth were first moved out with invisalign to push the teeth into a straighter position.

  • BRIGHTEN this patient a two week home tooth whitening was performed to lift the colour of the smile. After this the worn and uneven edges were fixed using composite bonding

  • COMPOSITE BONDING were used to contour the edges of the top 6 and lower 6 teeth to create a symmetry smile.

invisalign before and after, invisalign dentist birmingham

Composite Bonding [ Lower Teeth ]


Invisalign Smile Makeover [ + 2 Teeth Bonding]